The other day I read a quote that goes something like this: I'm determined to die of exhaustion rather than boredom. Then, I began thinking about all of the different opinions of what an exciting life would look like. Some people think its living it up, partying, being busy all the time, having a successful career, not being tied down, traveling, etc.
Today, I felt lead to share about what I see as exciting and worthwhile in my own life.
I am a Christian wife and mother. In so few words, some might perceive it as a boring existence. The world has many different phrases for it: "ball and chain", "tied-down", "waste of talent", etc. I think I've heard it all. :o) This is how I see it.
First of all, I have an amazing God who loves me, pursues me, gives me everything I need, and died so that I could live eternally with Him. He also gave me guidelines that would make life full of excitement and love, and help me to avoid certain forms of pain and suffering. As far as the pain and suffering that cannot be helped, He is there to give me peace and comfort. This all is given to me without me having to be perfect or even worthy. Now that's exciting!
Secondly, I have been provided with a soulmate with which to be "heirs together in the grace of life". An imperfect human, yes, but someone who is perfectly matched to me. Someone who loves me aside from my own imperfections. We get to grow together, build a home and family together, love together, and share in joys and sufferings. Its been and will continue to be exciting being his wife.

Third, as I've said already, I'm a mother. For some, this is all I need to say for them to understand the excitement. For others, they see it as only a burden. There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says "you are changing the world one little heartbeat at a time". If my life ends and the only thing I've accomplished is to raise children who love Christ and are of value in His kindom, then I've accomplished the greatest desire of my heart, and will be lacking nothing. What an awesome responsibility to be trusted with by the Creator! Plus, I get to spend my time with the most interesting, funny, spontaneous people I know. Sure, it involves sacrafice, but what worthwhile thing does not? "I'll lead them with strong hands, stand up when they can't. I won't leave them hungry for love, chasing things that I could give up. I'll show them I'm willing to fight, and give them the BEST of my life."

There are many more things that are special to me: extended family, friends, church family, card nights, interests, hobbies. Things that fill in the spaces. I understand that this isn't the only way to live. God gave wonderful diversity in our world. Nonetheless, it is definately one of the most exciting endeavors in the world, in my humble opinion. :o)
What's exciting in your life?
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